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Dispute resolution - launch

From April customers in England and Wales can go to an independent adjudicator if their complaint has not been resolved by their water company or after intervention from the Consumer Council for Water.

Landlord portal to tackle debt

A website is up and running for landlords to provide voluntarily basic contact information about their tenants so water companies can register them for billing and tackle this major source of water debt.

Public confidence in tap

Proper hydration is essential for our health and wellbeing, so it is vital that there is confidence in the quality of our drinking water.

Protection of water sources

The extraction of shale gas poses potential risks to groundwater reserves, for example through contamination with chemicals used in the fracking process. However, the Infrastructure Act, passed last month, will help mitigate these risks. It states that water companies will need to be consulted for all planning applications involving the boring for, or getting of, oil and natural gas from shale.

Investment for challenges ahead

The ability to attract long-term investment is vital if the water sector is to continue to deliver excellent services and meet future challenges. The next five years will see the biggest changes to the sector since privatisation 25 years ago, with competition in both retail and upstream markets in England.

Groundwater protection for unconventional oil and gas extraction

Water UK considers that a risk-based approach should be taken to the protection of groundwater resources whereby risks are identified and assessed, and then appropriate, measured actions taken to mitigate the impacts on the environment and public health.

Water and sewerage bills falling in 2015-16

Water and sewerage bills will fall after April 2015 and even more help will be available for customers struggling with cost of living pressures.

Analysing views on drinking water

The European Commission is considering whether or not to carry out a full review of the Drinking Water Directive. However, it is vital that new standards are not set without robust evidence to demonstrate that they are necessary.

Sustainable drainage - refining the approach

The water industry and other stakeholders continue to work together to support the implementation of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS), but a number of issues remain to be resolved.

Balancing objectives for Europe’s waters

The European Commission is to start a review of the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD). It is looking increasingly uncertain that any member state will be able to achieve good status in all water bodies by the 2015 deadline and significant use of exemptions and changes to other measures are required.

Help to prevent sewer flooding

Sewer blockages cost millions of pounds to put right every year and cause damage to people’s homes and the environment.

Support for housing and economic growth

UK water companies provide essential infrastructure and services that support all industries and sectors and drive economic growth.

Independent service to help resolve complaints

Customers in England and Wales will soon have a new independent and free-to-use service to resolve complaints with their water company.

Water and sanitation for all must remain a UN goal

2015 is a milestone year for water and sanitation as the UN could make it a global priority for governments.

Tap water for hydration – no filter needed

A few health commentators in the media are advising people to filter their water. However, it is not necessary to filter your tap water for any health reasons or because of any concerns around water quality.

Contact your water company if you are struggling to pay

Customers having difficulty paying their bills should speak to their water company to find out the range of help that is available.

Looking after water in your home

Water companies helping to speed up building of new homes

The water sector has provided the first of a package of measures to help developers build more quickly the new homes that are so urgently needed.