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News, Views & Publications

Only flush poo, pee and paper

A recent report by the Marine Conservation Society on wet wipes on beaches revealed the problems with wipes and other sanitary products being flushed down the loo.

Protecting our water from the risks of fracking

Regulations under the Town and Country Planning Act that will make water companies statutory consultees for fracking were laid before Parliament last week and are due to come into force in mid-April.

New independent dispute resolution scheme for water customers

Water customers in England and Wales can now go to an independent adjudicator if their complaint has not been resolved by their water company and after intervention from the Consumer Council for Water (CCWater).

Would I be better with a meter?

Water Saving Week (22-28 March) sets daily challenges to help get us all thinking about the importance of saving water.

We’re supporting World Water Day

The UK water sector believes that access to clean water and sanitation is absolutely essential, which is why we are supporting World Water Day.

Wet wipes on beaches

The Marine Conservation Society report on wet wipes on beaches reveals the problems with wipes and other sanitary products being flushed down the loo.

Water Minister meets company apprentices

In National Apprenticeship week 2015 Water Minister Dan Rogerson MP met water industry apprentices to hear how their careers are thriving after joining water companies.

Bristol Water 'Apprentices of the Year'

Luke Mayo and Martin Harris finished first and third in an Apprentice of the Year competition run in Bristol, with competition from recruits at Rolls Royce, Airbus and the MoD at Abbey Wood.

Two-year training at South East Water

Applications will be opening in April for new apprentices to join South East Water’s successful two-year apprenticeship programme.

Water women at Severn Trent

Severn Trent is proud of its 'water-wonder-women' hard at work across the Midlands every day. Almost half of the company’s directors, 66 per cent of new graduates and a quarter of apprentices are female.

Young trainees at Sembcorp Bournemouth Water

Five new apprentices have joined Sembcorp Bournemouth Water (SBW) as part of the company's annual recruitment scheme.

Call for recruits at Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water

Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water is preparing for its 2015 apprentice recruitment campaign. The current programme trains 44 apprentices in a wide variety of roles.

Work-study balance at Northumbrian Water

People are an extremely important part of the Northumbrian Water corporate strategy. The company has been working in partnership with training company TTE on a residential apprenticeship programme since September 2012.

Rising star at Wessex Water

Apprentices have as much chance of progressing up to senior levels as anyone else. One example is Wessex Water’s general manager of supply services, Ashlea Lane.

Affinity apprentices in customer care

Affinity Water is piloting a new customer services apprenticeship for four people at the company’s contact centre in Folkestone.

Highly skilled apprentices help water sector meet future challenges

The water industry is fully committed to the training and career development of apprentices as part of its work to deliver its commitments to its customers and the environment, now and for the future.

Increase in support for hard-pressed customers

In the year ahead water companies will provide a package of measures worth more than £40 million to support customers who are struggling to pay or in debt.

Reports on water and food scarcity

Consumers in the West are used to having the choice of an almost infinite variety of food from around the world, but recent research indicates that food security may become far more fragile as a result of climate change.