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Satisfaction with value for money increases to five year high

Satisfaction with value for money among water customers has increased to a five year high according to CCWater's annual 'Water Matters' survey, published this week.

Wet wipes turn nasty if you flush them

The Marine Conservation Society is leading a campaign to ensure wet wipes go in the bin, not down the loo. Toilets are designed for the three Ps only: poo, pee and (toilet) paper.

2015 Review of the Drinking Water Directive

Water UK supports the commitment by the European Commission to carry out a review of the Drinking Water Directive (DWD) during 2015 with the option for a full revision subsequently.

Microbeads face UK ban

The UK government has stated that it will consider a ban on plastic microbeads in personal care products such as face scrubs and shower gels. The beads are designed to exfoliate the skin, but as some are less than a millimetre wide, they can be missed by water filters after being rinsed off and travel into the sea.

Developer Services maintain high standards

The water industry is continuing to play its part in the delivery of new homes in the UK by maintaining its high standards of services to developers.

Housing and Planning Bill: Crucial clause on flood prevention

A vital new measure in the Housing and Planning Bill has been proposed by the House of Lords that will help ensure essential flood prevention measures are put in place at new housing developments.

Water: the healthy choice

The Local Government Association has reported today that the cost of removing decayed teeth in children has jumped 61% in the last five years – rising to more than £35 million a year. One solution to this problem is to encourage tap water as the default choice of hydration for the younger generations, moving them away from unhealthy sugary alternatives.

New rules for new connections

Discussions have been taking place within a Defra-convened task and finish group about a draft set of charging rules that Ofwat has prepared. The overall approach of the draft rules is to set out principles which companies’ charges for new connections must meet, leaving the design of charges in the hands of companies.

Helping customers in vulnerable circumstances

Water and energy companies are working together to ensure their customers in vulnerable circumstances get faster and easier access to the information and support they need.

Revision of the Drinking Water Directive (DWD)

The DWD has helped ensure water quality in the UK is world class. The European Commission is currently considering whether it needs to make revisions to the Directive.

Consumer dispute resolution scheme

A panel made up of three independent members, a representative from Ofwat, a representative from CCWater and two representatives from the water companies is overseeing the process to set up and run the Alternative Dispute Resolution Scheme (ADR).

Water and energy companies join forces to help vulnerable customers

Customers who need extra help will, from April, get a more streamlined service from water and energy companies making it easier to get help and stay safe at home.

Water Saving Week 2016

Water UK is supporting a national week-long campaign to promote water saving methods for the home, garden, schools, workplace and communities. Water Saving Week aims to raise awareness of the need for everyone to use water wisely - whatever the weather and wherever the location - to protect this precious and finite resource for generations to come.

Water UK supports World Water Day

The UK water sector knows that access to clean water and sanitation for all is vital, which is why we are supporting World Water Day.

Defra consultation on Water Supply (Water Quality) regulations 2016

Water UK responded (14 March 2016) to Defra's consultation on the Water Supply (Water Quality) regulations 2016

Grants for access to tap water

Last month (February 2016) saw the opening of the process to obtain grants to promote or provide access to tap water for children in public spaces.

Agriculture and water

Sarah Mukherjee, Director of Environment at Water UK, set out how EU policymakers can improve the the link between farms and water policy to protect both farmers and the environment.

Major reviews of EU water policy in 2016

Although there is no new legislation on water expected from the EU this year, there are some very significant reviews of existing directives either already underway or about to start.