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Stricter standards for bathing waters

The UK bathing season starts this month and runs until the end of September. For 2014, monitoring data will be assessed using the standards set in the current bathing water directive. This is the last season these standards will be used. From 2015, bathing water quality will be assessed using new, stricter standards.

Removing barriers to water re-use

Water re-use systems can use rainwater, or treated water from washing, reducing per capita consumption by up to half. However, even developers of environmentally friendly housing schemes say few homebuyers want to install water re-use systems.

Abstraction licence reform - more work ahead

The Government’s consultation on abstraction licence reform was a useful first step but more work is needed with Defra officials and other key stakeholders to fully understand the impacts of the proposals.

Monitoring of shale gas operations

The need for monitoring of aspects of shale gas extraction, such as the integrity of the wells and the treatment of water once it has been used for fracking, will be crucial for effective and safe operations.

Managing through drought: guidance on water restrictions

The winter of 2014 was the wettest on record, and as whole areas were flooded the capacity of drains and sewers was overwhelmed. But it is important to remember that the floods came a year after two consecutive years of drought. Water, like many other sectors, faces a huge challenge to adapt to these impacts of climate change.

Onshore Oil and Gas Licensing Assessment

Water UK response to Department for Energy and Climate Change consultation

Abstraction reform - response to Defra consultation

Water UK response to Defra consultation 'Making the Most of Every Drop - Consultation on Reforming the Water Abstraction Management System'.

Early days for water re-use schemes

Water re-use technology has been used in sustainable housing developments for some years but has not been adopted more widely. Water UK, along with Defra, the Environment Agency and Brighton University, is hosting a seminar on 8 April to consider the success of existing schemes and the barriers to greater uptake.

Partnerships with investors

The water sector has delivered major benefits to customers, society and the environment over the past 25 years. Our water supplies are even more reliable, our drinking water remains among the best in the world and our rivers and beaches are cleaner than ever before. This success has been underpinned by partnerships, in particular with investors.

Commitment to water industry apprentices

National Apprenticeship Week 2014 Water companies are fully committed to apprenticeship schemes for young people to help launch their careers, and almost 200 places have been offered within the companies every year since 2008.

Drinking water pipes excluded for broadband

The European Commission has agreed not to put drinking water quality at risk by using underground supply pipes for broadband. This decision supports the UK position, led by Water UK and the Department for Culture, Media and Sport and backed by water companies and authorities across Europe.

Water Bill – progress and briefings

The Water Bill is nearing completion after being considered by both houses in Parliament. Water UK has expressed its support for a retail market in water and for measures in the Bill to improve the resilience of water supplies.

Water companies’ short and long term responses to the floods

Companies worked around the clock alongside the Environment Agency, local authorities and other emergency services to help minimise the impacts of the floods on drinking water and sewerage services.

Water companies’ roles in the emergency response to the floods

Water companies are working around the clock alongside the Environment Agency, local authorities and other emergency services to help minimise the impacts of the floods on drinking water and sewerage services.

Water and sewerage bills for 2014-15

Water companies are set to complete a five-year investment programme worth £25 billion, while keeping rises in the average household water and sewerage bill below inflation in 2014-15.

New ways of helping hard-pressed customers

Water companies are broadening the scope of the support they are offering for hard-pressed customers to pay their water bills and manage their overall debt.

European Commission principles on shale gas

The European Commission has published a series of "common minimum principles" for Member States on the extraction of shale gas using hydraulic fracturing (fracking). The principles lay down areas where Member States should focus national requirements in their planning and environmental requirements. They do not indicate any support or otherwise for the recovery of shale gas.

Water and sewerage bills for 2014-15

Water companies are set to complete a five-year investment programme worth £25 billion, while keeping rises in the average household water and sewerage bill below inflation in 2014-15. In November 2009, a five-year package of investment and prices was finalised and April 2014 sees the final year of that package.