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News, Views & Publications

Public Interest Commitment update

Learning from the impacts of the 2018 freeze-thaw

Majority of public oppose water nationalisation, new poll finds

Support for water nationalisation has continued to fall with only one in four people now backing it.

Water industry working in the public interest

Water UK response to Ofwat bilateral markets call for information

The truth about English rivers

Major campaign launched to encourage the nation to ‘Love Water’

Thirty years on, what has water privatisation achieved?

Response to The Consumer Council for Water’s Water Matters survey

Response to the Environment Agency’s Environmental Performance Assessment

Water UK response to draft National FCERM Strategy for England

Learning from the impacts of the 2018 freeze-thaw

Water UK submission to the Labour Party's consultation on 'Democratic Public Ownership'

Water UK has sent a submission to the Labour Party on their ‘Democratic Public Ownership’ consultation. The submission also examines the Labour Party’s ‘Clear Water’ proposals for nationalising the water and sewerage industry in England. Our view is that, if implemented, the proposals could seriously damage the provision and quality of water and sewerage services in England.

National Refill Day 2019

Leading retailers not embracing wet wipe ‘flushability’ standard

Reflecting on an important year for the industry

A framework for the production of Drainage and Wastewater Management Plans

Dramatic fall in support for water nationalisation after revelations on pension cuts