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Risk, disruption and enormous cost – what the Institute for Fiscal Studies says about Labour’s nationalisation plans

Water industry takes significant first step in drive to be carbon zero

Great Britain second highest rated in the world for water and sewerage services

"Bad for the environment, bad for customers, and bad for the economy" - Water UK Chief Executive Michael Roberts on Labour's manifesto nationalisation pledge

H3O: Water UK reflects on 30 years of investment

Number of English bathing waters classed as ‘excellent’ hits record high

New Chief Executive for Water UK

Water UK’s new chief executive is Christine McGourty, who will join the water and sewerage industry’s trade body on 16th December 2019.

Big Data Beats Beast from the East

New rules on Sustainable Drainage will help prevent pollution and tackle climate change

Each UK household to lose up to £1000 from nationalisation

Households in the UK could lose an average of nearly £1000 each under Labour’s nationalisation plans, according to a new study by economic consultants NERA.

Ofwat approve water industry plans to adopt sewerage assets

Why ‘We Own It’ are wrong about nationalisation – with the facts to prove it

Water companies playing leading role in the battle against invasive species

Re-municipalisation of water utilities

There has been significant recent debate about the extent of private sector involvement in the delivery of water and wastewater services. Part of the debate has considered international examples, where the extent of private sector participation has significantly changed, and the impact this has had on service levels. This paper and fact sheet considers four such examples: Eau de Paris (Paris Water), Berliner Wasserbetriebe (Berlin Water Works), the Atlanta Department of Watershed Management, and Budapest Waterworks.

Presentations from Developer Day 21 October 2019

Water UK response to Advertising Standards Agency ruling on Kimberly-Clark Ltd t/a Andrex

Two Waitrose products join the fight against fatbergs as they get official ‘Fine to Flush’ approval


The health of rivers in England is improving thanks to the work of the water industry