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News, Views & Publications

Anthony Ferrar appointed as Water UK Chairman

Water industry financial bailout story is wrong

Key workers keeping the nation’s water running

Water companies step up action to help customers in need

Please don’t gather at reservoirs and lakes

Water UK response to Budget 2020

2020 Budget: a huge opportunity to take a bold step towards a net zero carbon future

Delivering a Net Zero Water Sector

Water industry plans to reach net zero carbon by 2030

Water UK recommendations for the Environment Bill

Response to study on presence of trihalomethanes in drinking water

Environment Bill - recommendations by Water UK

Following the publication of the Environment Bill in October 2019, Water UK made recommendations for amendment and additions. This provided the basis for our submission to the EFRA Select Committee Inquiry on 1 November 2019.

NERA impact of nationalisation on savings and pensions

Response to CBI’s analysis of the cost and impact of nationalisation

Ground-breaking research shows 99.9% microplastics are removed from UK drinking water

Water companies join forces to support WaterAid’s Bucket Brigade campaign

English water companies commit to planting 11 million trees by 2030

Discover Water update with 2018/19 figures