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Complaints fall again but industry is trying to do even better

The latest Consumer Council for Water data shows that complaints against companies have fallen for the sixth year in a row. Companies' hard work to drive service improvements is leading to better outcomes for customers and the industry will continue in its determination to provide the very best services and drive down complaints even further.

Message to customers: contact your company if you are struggling to pay

Customers having difficulty paying their bills should speak to their water company to find out the range of help that is available. Water UK supports the CCWater call for customers who are struggling to pay to ask their company for help.

Pharmaceuticals in the environment

The European Commission is considering measures to control the levels and types of pharmaceuticals and chemicals in the environment and water. The Commission believes there could be risks to public health, although there is currently no robust scientific data about how serious the risks are. Water UK is concerned that the Commission could decide more stringent sewerage treatment is the answer, which could lead to substantial extra costs for companies and customers.

Tackling leakage

Now in its 15th year, the Water UK Leakage Conference brings together the industry with regulators, government and key stakeholders to explore innovative leakage management in a changing and unpredictable climate. This year will build upon the challenges surrounding customers and communication as well as exploring operational and technical perspectives.

Ensuring the long-term stability of the sector

The water industry has invested more than £116 billion since privatisation. This investment has underpinned the improvements to drinking water quality, made our rivers and beaches much cleaner and also secured regional growth and jobs. Water UK is holding its annual City Conference in March for investors, analysts, ratings agencies, City institutions regulators and government bodies, to discuss future finance and investment in the water sector.

EU told tighter drinking water rules not needed in UK

Drinking water in the UK is among the very best in the world and any further EU intervention could lead to unnecessary extra costs to customers, says Water UK.

Customer complaints fall for the sixth successive year

The latest data on complaints from CC Water is great news as it shows companies’ hard work to drive service improvements is leading to better outcomes for customers.

The quick fix way to cut water waste at home

With a few simple changes, it's easy to reduce the amount of water that you use.

Customers who need help should contact their water company

Customers struggling to pay their bills should speak to their company to find out the range of help they have available.

World Water Week 2014 - Stockholm

World Water Week is a key platform for discussions on global water issues. This year's event brings together 200 different companies in over 100 different events. The event is organised by the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI).

Statement about Ofwat’s announcement on draft determinations

Ofwat’s announcement today is a key milestone in the Price Review process. Water companies will be looking closely at the details of what Ofwat has published and there is a lot of information for companies to work through.

ConnectRight: drain connections

Misconnected drains can pollute local streams, rivers and beaches, damage wildlife and cause considerable health risks. ConnectRight is a partnership of organisations who are working to reduce water pollution from drains and sewers.

Independent oversight panel for ADR scheme

Customers in England and Wales will soon have a new independent and free-to-use service to resolve complaints with their water company.

Tap water is now even better

The quality of the water we drink and use for washing and cleaning in our homes has got even better, according to the Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI).

Innovation in customer service

Water companies will be getting together with key partners such as consumer groups and debt and advice charities next week, through the Water UK Innovation Hub, to further develop ideas and good practice on customer service.

EU consults on drinking water

The European Commission has launched a public consultation on drinking water policy, to see where improvements could be made. It covers areas such as the current level of drinking water quality, the main threats to drinking water, the information needs of citizens, and possible additional actions that could be taken at EU level.

Spreading the word on unflushables

Water UK continues to work with retailers and manufacturers and to ensure non-flushable products are not thrown down the toilet and into sewers. Baby wipes, cleaning wipes and other non-flushable materials can block sewers and cost customers and water and sewerage companies millions of pounds a year in cleaning and repairs.

Price Review (PR14) latest

All water companies have now submitted revised business plans for 2015-20 to Ofwat and await the regulator’s draft determinations of price limits.