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Shale gas and water

Water UK, through Eureau, is joining a three-year European Commission work programme to develop a best available technology reference document for oil and gas, which will take full consideration of environmental protection. Over the past four years, Water UK's positioning has focused on ensuring that if shale gas developments are to take place, they can do so with the water utility fully involved and with water and wastewater concerns addressed from the outset.

Water and health

It was encouraging this month to note that tap water’s important role toward improving public health has been highlighted by two key institutions. The European Parliament, in its resolution following the Right2Water initiative, called on the Commission to do more to promote tap water. In the UK, the recent draft programme for the All Party Parliamentary Water Group held a space for Water and Public Health discussions.

Customer complaints fall for the seventh successive year

CC Water's latest data confirms that the sustained efforts and considerable investments made by water companies are leading to much improved services for their customers, with complaints falling for the seventh successive year.

Water UK appoints new Chief Executive

Water UK has appointed Michael Roberts as its next Chief Executive, succeeding Pamela Taylor, who is stepping down at the end of 2015.

Developer services work on charging and planning

In July Water UK began quarterly reporting of water company performance against regulatory and industry targets in relation to services provided to developers. The aim of this work is to drive up companies’ performance in the provision of these services. This quantitative approach is likely to be complemented in the near future with customer satisfaction measuring.

Perspectives on leakage

The annual Leakage Conference in October brings policy and regulatory perspectives from Ofwat, the Environment Agency and CCWater in an event that will see water industry presentations and debate on current issues, trends and challenges. The conference will be chaired by Martin Baggs, CEO Thames Water.

Customers report higher satisfaction and value for money

Satisfaction among water customers has increased, with 94% now saying they are satisfied with their water and sewerage services and three-quarters saying the services are value for money, according to CCWater’s annual survey, published last month.

Sir Brian Bender appointed Water UK chair

Water UK has appointed Sir Brian Bender as its next independent chair. He has taken over from Martin Baggs, Thames Water’s Chief Executive, who has been acting as interim chair following the death of Sir David Rowlands in May 2014.

Resilience in focus in latest Innovation Hub

The Water UK Innovation Hub in June – Resilience: Environment, Investment and Customers – brought together water companies and key stakeholders to share ideas and experiences to inform new approaches to tackling resilience.

Drinking water: a journey to success

Once again the excellent quality of our drinking water has been confirmed via the DWI results for England and Wales. This year’s Chief Inspector’s report also took the opportunity to reflect on the scale of the improvements over the past 25 years.

First developer services report by water companies

This week Water UK published for the first time an extensive set of statistics relating to the performance of services by water and sewerage companies for their developer customers. Arising from the Government's Better Connected guide, this new quarterly report aims to provide transparency about companies' performance over a wide range of activities, with a view to driving up standards.

Future of the water sector

Water companies are contributing expertise and perspectives to inform the debate on the future of water, publishing specialist papers on a wide range of topics.

Water companies deliver on their developer services standards promise

Water companies have delivered on their promise to compile and deliver a key set of developer service standards that can be used to compare performance across the industry. This will underpin their commitment to support and help accelerate the Government’s house building programme by providing greater transparency to help drive improvements in service levels and performance.

Leakage Conference 2015

The Water UK Annual Leakage Conference will once again bring together member companies, regulators, government agencies, manufacturers and the wider supply chain to explore operational and technical developments within the sector.

UK holding its own for bathing water quality against tougher European standards

The latest results from the European Environment Agency show that the UK is holding its own for bathing waters that comply with the EU standards.

Water UK welcomes SSE Water as a new member

Water UK is delighted to announce that SSE Water has joined as a new member.

Water companies confirm adoption of standards to speed up building of new homes

Following widespread consultation with developers, self-lay companies and their representative organisations, water companies have introduced a new set of standards for the provision of water and sewerage infrastructure for new homes and other construction projects.

Resilience 2015 – The Water UK Innovation Hub

The Water UK Innovation Hub on Tuesday 16 June will explore the challenges of resilience, providing an opportunity to participate in a high level exchange of ideas with sector leaders and stakeholders.