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Water UK responds to announcement of WINEP and SPS consultations

Responding to the announcement of consultations for the Strategic Policy Statement (SPS) and the Water Industry National Environment Programme (WINEP), Water UK Chief Executive Christine McGourty said:

"Water is a precious natural resource, and over the coming decades, society will need water companies and policy makers to work together to deliver the best possible outcomes for our environment, customers and communities. Water companies are already playing a leading role and are investing more than £5 billion on environmental improvements over the next few years as well £2.7 billion on Green Recovery projects.

"However, we know there is much more to do and the WINEP and SPS represent an incredibly important opportunity to set in train the ambitious reforms we need to see in the next price review and beyond. We look forward to working with government and regulators to ensure the final documents provide the best possible foundation for water companies to deliver the investment needed to help meet the significant environmental challenges ahead, while working towards a shared vision for the future."