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Water UK appoints new directors

Two new directors will be joining Water UK in September as part of a re-structuring of the organisation. Rae Stewart is to become Director of Corporate Affairs and Stuart Colville will join as Director of Strategy.

Rae Stewart has held a number of posts in Whitehall, following a long period in journalism where he worked for ITN, GMTV, Sky News and Scottish Television. He joined the Cabinet Office in 2009 before moving to Defra in 2010, where he led the co-ordinated communications strategy for the 2012 drought. He took on the role of Director of Communications for the department in 2013.

Rae then held a similar post at the Department for Energy and Climate Change prior to being asked in 2016 to start up and lead the communications function at the new Department for Exiting the European Union.

Stuart Colville began his career in consulting, before joining the Civil Service over a decade ago. He has worked on infrastructure, EU and energy policy, and in Government strategy roles, in both the Department for Transport and the Department for Energy and Climate Change.

In his current role, Stuart is Defra’s Principal Private Secretary, supporting ministers to identify and deliver their priorities, shaping departmental policy, and working across Whitehall. This has involved the coordination of crisis responses to a range of issues, including flooding, and developing longer term policies, including reducing water pollution and EU exit.

Commenting on the appointments, Michael Roberts, Water UK Chief Executive, said:

“We are delighted to welcome Rae and Stuart on board. Their energy, experience and insight will complement the existing strengths in the Water UK team and help us meet the challenges we face in the water sector."

“I look forward to working with them as we continue to enhance the service and support we provide to our members.”



Water UK Communications
0207 344 1805