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Public confidence in tap

Proper hydration is essential for our health and wellbeing, so it is vital that there is confidence in the quality of our drinking water.

Drinking water in the UK is subject to very stringent and robust rules and standards, set in the UK and Europe and regulated by independent inspectors. Limits on substances in tap water include wide margins of safety.

In recent months there have been media stories suggesting risks in drinking tap water that could undermine confidence and trust in this essential service.

The Drinking Water Inspectorate's (DWI) latest report says 99.7% of the tests it carried out in England and Wales had drinking water meeting or exceeding its required standards. The latest figures from the Scottish Drinking Water Quality Regulator showed 99.89% of its tests complied with standards; in Northern Ireland, 99.81% of tests were compliant.

Water UK believes regulations on drinking water quality should continue to be risk-based and apply standards that are based on robust science.

We have the opportunity in the months ahead to shape the future of drinking water regulation in Europe as the Commission considers the revision of the Drinking Water Directive.