Protect your home and put a stop to blocked pipes and sewers
Cooking fats poured down the sink, even with hot water and washing up liquid, can soon set hard in cold pipes. They mix with un-flushable items, like wet wipes, to create fatbergs.
This increases the risk of flooding in homes, streets and waterways, causing more than 3,000 homes a year to flood.
sewer blockages occur in the UK every year
homes are flooded from blockages every year
the cost of cleaning up blockages each year
Dispose of your cooking fats responsibly

Protect your home
Protect your business
- Ensure your staff know how to dispose of fats, oils and greases responsibly
- Get a specialist company to collect and recycle leftover fats, oils and greases
- Use equipment to collect waste before it enters drains
Read the Fats Management Guide for Businesses
Download the toolkit and assets to use on your own communication channels, or email: [email protected]